Monday, July 2, 2007

Finally Some Pictures

I've been so bad this pregnancy about taking pictures. Probably because the novelty of a gigantic belly and my body as a science experiment has worn off the third time around. So here I am at 25 Weeks and just taking my first belly shots. I'm looking pretty much the same shape wise (which confirms my already strong feelings about it being another girl). I'm just bigger in the belly faster this time. I saw the doctor a week or so ago and I'm right on weight gain of the other two pregnancies, I guess my belly just knows what to do even more.

Feeling good for the most part. I have some low blood pressure (103/45 last they checked), and low blood sugar issues that make me feel light headed and queasy at times. I hate to even complain because some women suffer so much during pregnancy, but I like it for the most part. I told Brady I even prefer my body pregnant (20 weeks prego, not the later freak huge). I don't have to suck in my stomach, I get my boobs back for a while, it's okay. But check in with me in a few months when I'm enormous.

These pictures are from a wedding we went to this past weekend. And the other one is of my girlfriend Danielle from England. She's having her third today so we took one final picture of the two of us last night. Doesn't she look awesome? We're almost the same size and she's 15 weeks ahead of me :)