I know my last blog entry was right after Jane was born. And yes, she's now 8 months old! I had originally intended this as a journal and a way to share prego and newborn pictures. I get emails from quite a few family and friends asking "where's an update?" Between the 3 kiddos, work, and just life I've been soooooo bad. So I'm not even going to go back and try to recreate pictures from October forward. So here it is.
Jane Jane (as she's known in our family) is sitting up. She wants to crawl but I say what's the hurry (means more work for me :) She's eating jar food but wants desperately to eat what her sisters are eating. She's starting to us her pinchers to pick a few things up so we're moving onto that soon I'm sure. She is such a sweet easy baby (now! the first few months are always rough I don't care who you are, and if you say they weren't you were either still high on hormones and delivery drugs or you've blacked it out). She's sleeping pretty much 8 to 6 with a little bottle and back for an hour or so. I'll take that. 3 or so naps a day but random thanks to the schedule the rest of the girls keep with school, etc. I just want to kiss her chubby cheeks all day. I can't get enough.
Reese graduated from preschool on the 2nd. Just like me she hates when things are over. The teachers had pulled me aside the past few weeks telling me she'd been upset. She had also been saying the same things at home. She is "sad" to leave Noah's Ark. "Not scared" about kindergarten just misses her teachers and friends. They said it was great she could articulate it and that most others don't- that's my talker! Wonder where she gets that?
Lucy is so funny right now, she makes me laugh outloud just thinking about her. Super sweet and funny. I don't think I've ever gotten a normal smile out of her in a picture, always this goofy look that is so her. If she beats Jane up in the morning she can hardly wait for Jane to get up so we can sing our morning song to her. Definitely different than Reese, apprehensive about starting preschool in August. I always wondered what was wrong with those kids whose parents had to stay in the classroom the first few days. I think I'll know in August- nothing! I love when I feel one way and along comes one of my kids to knock me down and keep me humble.
Brady and I are too boring to write about :) Just kidding. Things have been really fun lately. Taking 3 kids to Maui for a week was awesome but we never sat down. Lots of beach, pool, BBQ, more beach and pool. Brady rode up the volcano 38 miles, 6 hours uphill. Not my idea of fun but I'm so proud of him. He has two other "mini" triathalons planned for later this summer with buddies.
A few weekends ago I ran in my first ever anything. The Mud Run down at Camp Pendelton in San Diego. About 20 of my cousins and friends were running and I signed up back in January. I'd been running about 3 times a week to prepare- which was a first. I'd always liked to work out before kids- but running not so much. I just wanted to finish. The 6 plus miles is a mix of sand, rivers, lakes, mudpits, tires, tunnels, 2 miles uphill, and mud, mud, mud. I finished in 1:18, 50th in my age group and 883 out of 4,000. I know I can do better next year and can't wait. I'll post pictures of that day when the guy we ran with sends them on.
Lucy is 3 and just started preschool. Jane is crawling, watch out! Reese is 5 1/2 and loves Kindergarten.
I will always be 30, it was a great year so I'm sticking with it. Brady gets to age without me.